«I want to live to be 150! A famous Fulani long liver told how she makes her life longer naturally»

A woman who lives in Embu, Vedu Kundu, was born in 1919 and lived through a lot of events and two wars. She saw a dozen of rulers taking turns. Kenya Book of Records says she is the oldest person who lives in the country now - she will turn 101 on August, 3.

Vedu Kundu, 101 y.o.

- Vedu, you’ve lived such a long life. Much longer than anyone else’s. How did you manage to do it?

- Vedu, in your opinion, can a person whose health is weak live a longer life if he or she starts cleansing the blood vessels?

According to the WHO data, contaminated vessels cause up to 93% of various diseases: from gastrointestinal disorders to bad vision.

- How do you cleanse your vessels? Do you do it on your own? Could you please share the recipe with our readers?
- How is this product called?

- Bernard, tell us please, is it really useful to cleanse blood vessels?
- How do you cleanse vessels with the help of Normatone?

- Vedu Kundy says that one can get Normatone at a discount. Is that true? Can other people get it at a discount?

ATTENTION, PLEASE! Beware of fakes!

You can get «Normatone» within the territory of Kenya only by taking part in a raffle of an up to 50% discount

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