The amazing health secret of the oldest man in Eket, Akwa Ibom

History will never forget the day he passed on, Mr. Asuquo Edem of Afaha Atai who had lived a crazy 137 years old  


It has been unverifiably stated that he had lived the longest in the country’s history  


Rather than a cry of sadness, it was a cry of joy all over the village because he had played and completed his task on earth.


He had slept the previous night and didn’t wake up.


He passed on from his bed  


Not only did Mr. Asuquo Edem live a very long life, but he also lived a very healthy, vigorous and active life.  


He married his first wife when he was 25 years old and he married again when he was 107 years old.


People who were close to him said he was a very controversial man as he did some bizarre things.


The most significant of which was


He never ate any sugar

Mr. Asuquo Edem throughout his lifetime never tasted sugar because he knows the deadly effect of it  


He was so educated and was quoted saying “One sugar a day shortens your age by 100 days”  


After his death researchers have researched and concluded that he may be right because sugar causes Glucose level to spike and plummet which is a major cause of mood swing, fatigue and serious migraine.


It has been reported by the Winchester University, UK in a paper presented at the 79th convocation by the medical superintendent that people who consume less sugar are less likely to have health complications.


Throughout the reign of Mr. Asuquo Edem, he never fell ill from any heart-related disease which is quite unusual as old people are always victims of heart-related diseases  


When he died, a complete body scan was carried out and the discovery was that he had a colon as clean like that of a baby.


The Surgeon who was a Malaysian specialist of the Ibom Specialist Hospital accorded the miracle to his less consumption of sugar and artificial food


It was also discovered that he suffered less than 5% stress and anxiety which is uncommon for people his age 

Also, his immune system was still noticeably strong and that was why he had not visited a health centre in 36 years before his death  


The last time he visited one was when he had a snake bite when returning from his farm  


It was reported by the neighbors of Mr. Asuquo Edem that in the morning when taking his Ogi, instead of using sugar, he will go to his backyard and cut the ashwagandha leaves.

This is a plant that existed long ago in ancient Greece and is traced to first-century Physicians. Today it can be found in certain parts of Brazil, Portugal, Paraguay, and Argentina a few also existed in Egypt, Uganda, and some parts of Nigeria (now extinct)  


It has been used for over 1,500 years by the Swiss people who refer to it as Ayurveda     


It contains numerous natural healing properties such as: flavonoids and procyanidins which have antioxidants. It reduces stress and anxiety, reduce blood sugar levels, anti-cancer elements, reduce depression etc


All claims have been tested and approved by the FDA. 


Also, the looks of Mr. Asuquo Edem was still as a man in his 60s and he didn’t seem to add in age at all, all thanks to the Ashwagandha. 


Ashwagandha has been proven to help with anxiety 

It can be said that the secret of Mr. Asuquo Edem was in the Ashwagandha and his avoidance of artificial food.


Today, the Ashwagandha plant is extinct and Egypt is the only African country  that has a reasonable quantity of it  


This is because it was the favourite of an ancient Egyptian Governor Müezzinzade Ali Pasha who always added it to his tea every morning

Müezzinzade Ali Pasha commanded that more people should grow the leaves and he advised the consumption of it


He even passed a law that anyone found destroying the leaves should be made to feed the royal camels.


It was reported that Müezzinzade Ali Pasha lived 107 years and died in battle against Cyprus soldiers


Due to extinction, you cannot get a good quality version of the Ashwagandha around you again but you can get the 100% organic version which has been crushed to powder and formulated into a high-value supplement by a foreign company who work on healthy organic food.   


Some of them were recently imported and currently selling in Nigeria like wildfire in dry season


Note that if the current stock gets finished, it will take approximately 6 months before they may become available for purchase again 



 Customers love this, hear them!

Bright Ohana, Port Harcourt

I had partial stroke and at the same time, I was hypertensive. I have been battling with the problem for a very long time, until a friend of mine introduced me to the Ashwagandha. It is now 4 weeks after using this product, I experienced a miraculous healing. my blood pressure is normal now, and reading about 126/83. I couldn’t believe I could be on my feet again to live my normal life!  

Femi Adedibu, Lagos 

I work really long hours and feel a lot of stress and anxiety at night. This Ashwagandha changed that for me, I feel very clear and energetic nowadays, everyone should get this.

Those who used it testify to its goodness!

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